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The Newsletter | Edition 046
You've heard from us over the past 45 newsletters about topics ranging from status to friendship, negotiating to mental health, courage to divergent leadership. And now, we want to hear from you. What's happening in your world? What challenges or opportunities are your organizations facing today? What are they doing that you're proud of? What would you like to hear from us? Things you’d like more of, less of? Let us know below.

This has been a wildly rewarding exercise for our team—the emails and outreach we’ve received from so many of you has made us feel like we’re doing something good and valuable. We want to keep adding value, contributing to the discussion, and making an impact. If you can take three or four minutes just to share what you’d like to hear more about, we promise to try to pay it back.
You Tell Us. Click Here!
Thanks for joining us over this past year. We’re excited for what’s to come!

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